Meet the Owner

I’m Joíní and I bolster new parents with tools to overcome anxiety about pregnancy/birth and confidently transition from pregnancy into parenthood and beyond.

While studying during undergrad, I stumbled across an introductory Public Health Course. I, like so many of my peers, were desperately in need of a major and had been voraciously registering for elective courses to find *the* course that would spark interest and then select a major.

While waiting for class to start, I had briefly put my head down and heard the faint sound of heels clicking as my Professor walked in. Little did I know, that that would be the start of my journey into Public Health. We dove into a deep discussion of what socioeconomic status was, how important it was where you lived, and unfortunately how racism could kill you.

But not in the way I had experienced it. This was new and sinister. The question that forever changed how I looked at Black bodies and pregnancy, “Between myself and another white counterpart, without the education I or the social standing, which one of us is 4x times for likely to die from pregnancy related causes?”  

The Resting Garden, founded in 2020  is a curated solution to the Black Maternal and Infant Health Crisis. We support by providing trauma informed empathetic doula care, encouraging self-advocacy,  providing education and by championing change in the birth and reproductive justice arena.

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